Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Caney Outing and Vacation

The first of at least two summer trips for me has finally rolled around. Tomorrow I depart for Oklahoma and while I won't be sampling its trout waters this trip, I will be spending an inordinately large amount of time down at a small creek casting for whatever is out swimming.

Since it will be a while before I get close enough to a trout to be dangerous, a stop at the Caney Fork River seemed in order today. I was passing through on my way home from Nashville and stopped to fish for about 3 hours. Enough fish were fooled to keep things interesting but the severe headache I got kept me from doing too much damage. Word of advice for the day, stay hydrated if you want to catch lots of fish. If you don't, your reflexes will suffer... Several large fish were spotted throughout the afternoon and I got a few to eat but my feeble attempts at setting the hook (this was later in the day once the headache had developed) only worked on one of the better fish, and this was nowhere near the largest. Despite my troubles, I had a nice outing and then went home to sleep off the migraine.

Another recent stop at the river was good for this nice brown.

As you can see, the fish are healthy and quite colorful. As long as a catastrophe doesn't occur, this fall should bring excellent fishing with lots of good-sized fish. With this river it can be tough with the late summer and fall dissolved oxygen posing a problem. We can only hope...

I'll hopefully be bringing reports on my warmwater exploits in Oklahoma within a few days so stay tuned for details...


  1. Beautiful trouts. Congratullations.
    Here in Spain in the Tormes river, the brown trouts are similar to yours.
    Good luck.

  2. Hello David, and ( hola Varo, desde estos lares ;-))

    Nice Blog David, and nice browns.

    See you soon !

  3. Wow David it is good to see you are still enjoying your favorite passtime. If I ever get over my pure disgust with fish and want to go fishing I'll know who to call! Hope all is going well for you, have fun in OK!

  4. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Ouch, I know about migraines. I lost nearly an entire day of winter fly fishing this last February due to a migraine. It was made much worse due to the fact that I only had 2.5 days to begin with. Mine was brought on by lack of caffeine I suspect. A pot of coffee helped, but not soon enough to save the fishing. Nice fish, btw. Take care,


  5. Thanks all for the comments... I was unable to get that part to work while I was away (and using dial-up) so I'm just now able to see it.

    Lilly, you're always welcome to come try out fishing...;)
