
Saturday, July 21, 2007

No Fishing Continues

I have not fished in far too long and its beginning to seriously wear on me. Of course, THE TRIP is almost here and should give me an excellent fix in the fishing department. Things aren't looking good for Yellowstone although there are still plenty of fishing options. I'm becoming more and more thankful that Colorado was added to the itinerary however as the water situation there is much better with most streams running around or at least near seasonal averages. Also, plenty of rain has been falling in Colorado albeit somewhat scattered from day to day. The fishing should be good and I'm looking forward to catching some fine fish.

While not fishing, I've been working hard until this past week when I joined my family for an abbreviated vacation to Florida. No fishing involved which was difficult since everyone on the coast seemed to be catching fish after fish. If I wasn't so partial to trout it would have been maddening. Instead of fishing, I was able to devote at least a bit of time to getting some pictures. So, to escape the risk of becoming wordy, here are a few pictures both from Florida and also from recent hikes here in Tennessee.

A more random collection of photos you're not likely to find anywhere...

Sunrise, Florida Style

The Required Beach Shot

Just Having Fun

The Leap Back to the Woods of Tennessee

The Vivid Colors Found Trailside

What Is It?

With each new crimson discovery, we're reminded that fall and consequently some of the best fishing of the year is just around the corner...

Sunset in Tennessee

You Did Come To Read About Fishing After all...

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