Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Getting Behind

On average, I fish at least once a week and often more. This new year has seen a slow start for me on the fishing scene though and I'm definitely behind compared to past years. Generally I get in a few extra days in early January before I head back to school but this year, unfavorable generation schedules really limited my time on the water. Fortunately, things seem to be looking better. Last Sunday I had a great trip to the Caney Fork and this coming Sunday, I'm hoping to spend some time on the water as well. In keeping with my hopes of more small stream action this year, I'm thinking about hitting some small streams. My other option of course is the Hiwassee which I haven't visited for awhile. The one good thing about going there is that it is close, just about the closest trout water in fact.

Also in what I hope is the near future, I'll be starting on my late winter and spring backpacking and camping trips. I'm looking to check out some new water this year and the best way to do this is on a weekend trip since most of the streams are at minimum a two hour drive.

Perhaps this Sunday I'll check out a stream for some lake-run fish. That sounds like a lot of fun...I think I'll do it!!!

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