Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Coming Up...

I've been slacking off a little lately but there's plenty of good stuff coming. James Marsh from Fly Fishing the Great Smoky Mountains sent me some DVDs to check out so expect a review on those coming up as I have time. I've already watched a large portion of the DVD on fishing dry flies in the Smokies. So far it has been great and has made me want to go hit up some trout streams. I might have to scratch that itch sometime soon...

In fact, this weekend or early next week should see me having enough time to make a Smokies trip, probably to look some more for lake run fish. When I find the fish, you'll be the first to find out so check back often for those reports...

Also, I'm hoping to do a review of an excellent article on the water problems out West. That one will take a bit longer probably although I might get it done this weekend. In between all these other things, I still have to at least pretend to study occasionally and also get in some fishing locally as well...

Finally, I want to apologize for any spelling problems in my recent and current posts. The spell-check feature is on the blink for Blogger and I've been too lazy to resort to other methods. I don't really have the time to do a thorough job proof reading so my apologies to everyone that hates reading something full of spelling and grammatical errors...


  1. Brother, I thought the spell check thing was something with my computer! I've quite posting to save myself the embarassment of improper grammer! Good luck this weekend!

  2. I've had a spell check problem too and sent a question to blogger help group to get it fixed. I've just started a new website ( http://fishingafield.blogspot.com ) so I've added your link and looking for others. Come by sometime and see what you think. Lots of luck with the fishing and the schooling.

  3. Deerslayer, I checked your new site and it looks great! I'll be reading it often...

    Brett, don't let the spellcheck thing keep you from posting. I wanna see what you've been catching...
