
Monday, April 14, 2008


Finally got a little bass the other day while fishing the Tennessee River. Took a bright pink fly...go figure...

The interesting thing I saw on this trip was a really nice crappie one of the spin guys had caught from shore. My experience with these fish is limited mainly to spinning gear way back in the day, but I have caught a few small ones on the fly. Hopefully I'll find some nice ones soon though, because they're a blast to catch...

The highlight of the day really wasn't the fishing, and the fishing wasn't bad. It was the sunset I saw while standing nearly waste deep in the choppy waters with fish rolling on the surface out in the current. The cool northwest wind was blowing that foretold the near-freezing temperatures that are forecast tonight and tomorrow night. Herons occasionally sailed gracefully over the scene and ducks were working along the shoreline. As it grew closer to dark, bass started coming up in the shallows busting baitfish. All in all, it was a perfect way to spend the evening...


  1. Sounds like a great time. Hoping to get a bass myself this year. Itching to get out. And, have to say the trout at the top of the blog is darn purdy! Best o luck with the fishing!

  2. Nice sunset picture! You should start a blog that's not fish related. :)
