
Thursday, July 03, 2008

Favorite Fly Line

Our new poll is about fly lines. I'm wondering which brand everyone prefers to use. Personally I've been using the SA Mastery Trout lines for awhile but decided to try out the Rio Gold on my 5 weight. So far it has only seen action on the water once, but it seems like a good line. So, what brand are you using the most?


  1. I like the Wulff Triangle Taper lines a lot.

  2. I have 2 rods with Orvis Wonderline and 2 with Rio Grand. Think I prefer the Wonderline.

  3. Loofah, I've heard a lot of people talking about the Wulff TT lines and everyone has nothing but good things to say about them. I haven't tried them yet but may have to soon. What type of fishing do you primarily use them for or are they good lines for all applications?

    Travis, I had a couple wonderlines a few years ago and didn't have particularly good luck with them. They tended to crack a lot sooner than other lines I've had, usually after only 5-6 months and I didn't fish as much back then as I do now. Perhaps they have that worked out now though...

  4. I had a wonderline once and had the same problem, it cracked and got extremely stiff in 6 months. I've had a few different SA lines; seem to last right at one year. my cortland 555 line is well over a year now and is in about as good shape as when I first bought it!

    I have to add, I'm pretty lazy about cleaning my fly line, and would probably get better wear out of them if I did.

  5. Trevor, I've had the same thing with the SA lines. I love them but they only hold up for about a year. Maybe I'll have to try the Cortland...

  6. I got a Rio Gold recently (#5), and I absolutely love it...
