Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Where Should I Go Fishing?

Our latest poll will allow you to decide what kind of fishing report you want to see. My October break is just around the corner and I'll have a week off to do whatever I want. I'll probably try to fish at least two different locations over this break. Help me decide at least one of those locations from the options provided or reply here to suggest another that is not far from East Tennessee. Just vote in the new poll to let me know where I should go...


  1. Another suggestion would be Nantahala and/or the tuck. DH starts Oct. 1st. NC license is CHEAP, and from what Daniel says, the year license is valid 365 days from date of purchase!

  2. David,
    I would say the Cumberland. The browns should be in prespawn, makes me think of the SoHo from last year. I plan on being there the second weekend in Oct. Don't know yet where I will be staying, probably camping below the dam.


  3. Travis, I'm looking at heading up to camp there as well. I can't believe I haven't fished it yet and should go ahead and just try it out...

    Trevor, I've thought about trying the Nantahala this year but don't know if I feel like driving that far. Its a bit of a haul from Crossville so it would have to be a camping/fishing trip...

  4. Anonymous8:59 PM

    My vote is for the Smokies...you've caught enough big fish for one year...;)

  5. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Scratch the Caney and Smokies off your list. Try something different...like the Cumby.

  6. Ijsouth, if you go to the Smokies it will be a big fish trip into the backcountry somewhere...

    Dog, I'm about 95% sure that I will try the Cumberland at least once this break...I'm excited!

  7. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Just funnin' with ya ;) I know you like to target those big browns; one day, probably when I'm retired and am living up there full-time, I'll have the time to do the same. Right now, every trip has a large clock ticking in the background, so we have to concentrate on the "easy" fish...which means the smaller ones, for the most part. However, this last trip I was able to make myself pass up marginal areas, and I concentrated on the better areas...my numbers and average size went up, topped with a couple of 8 inch brookies and a 9 inch bow, all from a very small stream.
