In many ways, my fishing trip today was one of the best in awhile. The small things that I often overlook really made the day. Each rainbow trout that graced the end of my line for a few moments fought hard, putting a nice bend in the 3 weight rod I was fishing. Watching the line form nice tight loops was a lot more enjoyable than I normally give it credit for and reminded me how the artistic aspect of the sport is really what got me into fly fishing in the first place.

When the short trip of around 30 minutes was complete, I had caught 4 little rainbows. All fish hammered a #16 black Simi Seal leech with a beadhead that I fished very slowly stripped in the current of the stream. The water was icy cold and my hands felt like they were being pricked by needles every time I dipped them in prior to handling a fish.

I goofed around a little and got some ridiculous "hero" shots with the small fish including the classic but rather cheesy "rod in mouth" picture. Overall it was a fun trip. By next weekend the Caney might be fishable and if so, I'll be there seeing how the fish have handled all the high water lately.

Also, later this week, I may have to head to Chattanooga one day and if so, I might check out my old haunts along the Tennessee river. Shad should be coming through Chickamauga and Watts Bar dams creating a feeding frenzy for the resident fish below. As always, stay tuned for more as it develops...
Nice stuff David!
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to build a 3wt soon to go after some of the fish in the smaller streams.
ReplyDeleteA 3 wt is a blast but still has enough backbone to land larger fish. I'll occasionally fish mine on the Caney Fork and catching a 16 inch brown or rainbow on that rod is about as much fun as one can have with a fly rod in my opinion...
Hey man, if you think a job is hard on your fishing time, just wait till you get married. The job's still the number 1 fishing time killer, but suddenly you find "real-life" responsibilities eating into your weekends, too. I've got my wife fly fishing a little, but to her it'll always just be something fun to do on occasion, not a lifestyle. Too bad we can't make a living blogging about fly fishing, huh? Take care,