
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chasing Lunkers

Over spring break last week, I had originally intended to do a pack trip in the Smokies. Unfortunately my buddy came down with the flu at the last minute and I decided to hold off until another time. Instead, I spent the first day floating the Caney (although without fishing) and then went fishing the second day. My goal was to head to the North Carolina side of the Smokies and camp at Smokemont for a night, allowing me to fish for two days.

I arrived in the Smokies later than I had intended so didn't fish really in the morning. I met my buddy Trevor Smart in the early afternoon to head over to Cherokee to try the tribal water in search of some big fish. We started out on a section he had fished before and were soon catching a few.

The highlight of the afternoon for me was catching my first palomino rainbow trout. The brightly colored fish stand out like a sore thumb so targeting them was easy. I felt a little cheap fishing water that was stocked with pellet pigs but still had a good time. Those big rainbows still know how to fight when they are hooked and it is exciting watching a 20 inch rainbow jumping even if it is a stocker. The fish were rising sporadically and that was even better. Big rainbows sipping little Blue Quills is truly a sight to behold although watching wild browns do it would probably be even better.

In the next few weeks, I'm going to be chasing bass and other warmwater species and also probably do some float trips. The backpacking trip that I've been planning is still going to happen but likely in somewhat abbreviated form (2 nights instead of 3-4). The sun is warm and the day is pleasant so I think I might sneak out a little while this afternoon. The bass should be getting aggressive soon...


  1. Great looking fish David. Looks like your trip went well...Palominos aren't anywhere near spotting a bonefish on a flat. You can see these guys from a distance. That's definately on my list of to-do's this Summer..Catch a palomino.

    Tight lines,

  2. Tyler, it was a blast catching that fish. There were some larger than that one but I couldn't convince them to eat my offerings. Anyway, if you're wanting to catch one, head over to Cherokee...

  3. Hi David,
    I have fished the Cherokee waters before (that was some time ago) and I have never seen a Paslomino Rainbow Trout. Please educate me about them and chcek out my web site.

  4. The palomino rainbows are fish that genetically have a bright color that seems to generally be a cross between white and gold. Very unusual looking and not something I'd want to catch every day, still neat to do occasionally...they are stocked in the catch and release trophy section...

  5. I'm like you, I've become to feel like a sell out when catching stocked fish...but they are still way fun when you wanna land a few good ones.

  6. David - good looking Palomino. I just returned from Cherokee. Fished last Wednesday thru Saturday. Rained every day but I did snag a couple of browns and one rainbow. Nothing trophy size though as advertised. Palominos were everywhee but I could not get them to rise and take. What did you use?
