
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Update on Middle Tennessee Weather

Just when it was looking like the lakes and rivers around here might be starting to slow down, the National Weather Service in Nashville has issued another Flood Watch for our area for Wednesday. At this rate, we might not fish the Caney again this least, not with any fish in there. Late last week they stocked the river but fresh stockers plus high water is going to equal a lot of fish that vanish.

Another item of interest meteorologically is the tornado survey for the Cumberland County tornado. In addition to details on the actual survey (they rated it an EF-1), they have put lots of pictures up of the damage. If you are interested in severe weather, you should check out the survey page.

While our streams continue to be unfishable, I might have to resort to fishing lakes some more. There should be some good fishing to be had for warm water species and I also have my eyes on a lake that should produce trout for another few weeks before the water warms too much. These trout that remain from the winter stocking program by TWRA are generally destined to die once the lake warms too much but until then they should provide some fun fishing. I also still have that big bass to catch at the lake nearby so check back soon to see if I actually find a little time to go fishing...

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