Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Friday, February 12, 2010

Deep Freeze

Winter continues relentlessly here in Tennessee. I'm going to try to get out this weekend to cure the cabin fever. Between hiking and fishing I might actually be cured...for a few days anyway. The fishing will include a lot of hunting for big fish so wish me luck! One of these days I'll get a big one in the Smokies...


  1. You guys have been getting crushed with snow the past couple of weeks. I've got my fingers crossed that you'll make it. Waiting to see pictures of the "big" one.


  2. Hi David
    I have just started my fishing blog on Thursday and have a question for you. How did you get your slideshow to work on your blog? I know the functions of all the gadgets on the customize section, but can't seem to figure out how to get my slide show to work. Are you pulling your slide show off your hard drive or saving your photos somewhere else on the net??? By the way I have you as one of my favorite blogs that I check often. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Bill
    My blog url----- http://traderhorn-fishingthroughlife.blogspot.com/

  3. Bill, I have the pictures on Picasa Web Albums (I upload them through Picasa) and then link to them through the "slideshow" feature on blogger... I'll be looking forward to seeing more on your blog!

  4. Thanks David---I will give that a try. Bill
