
Monday, March 22, 2010

Coming Soon

I am really behind on posting here. I have several fishing reports as well as some stories from a canoe trip in Florida and a product review. This weekend I fished the Caney on Friday and the Smokies on Sunday so check back soon for those reports. This afternoon I should have some free time and plan on doing some updates...


  1. Relax. It's not like anyone's paying you to do this, so fish first, write later, feel guilt about it after you're dead.

  2. Thanks for the reminder/advice...I start fishing and it takes up all my free time. Wish I could write faster to keep up but then it just becomes a chore and that's no fun either...

  3. No pressure on the posts; I'm close to a month behind on my last outing! Fishing comes first, like The Trout Underground said, not to mention life in general (I guess life and fishing can often be one and the same).

    Write when you have the time, and you can enjoy it--if the blog becomes a chore, that kind of defeats its purpose in my mind. I have had to remind myself not to take my blog too seriously, or rather, to spend some quality time on it when I have the time.

    Besides, people will appreciate your posts just as much, whether they come out promptly or a bit later on down the line...

