Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fickle Caney

The Caney continues to be its fickle self.  Most anglers are experiencing slow to decent fishing although those with the right bugs are still catching plenty of fish.  Nice rainbows are continuing to impress me each trip.  There are lots of little stockers in the river to play with but enough nice holdover fish in the 14-18 inch range are out there as well to keep things entertaining.  The fish that have been in the river a while are beautifully colored. 

A few nice browns are being caught as well.  As we head towards the colder months, I expect fishing to pick up, especially for those out drifting.  Nymphs will be top producers but daily midge hatches will get trout looking towards the surface.  On high water (and on low water too but shhhhh!), streamers will take some nice trout and not just the larger browns either.  I've taken a good number of chunky rainbows and feisty brookies on streamers over the last couple of months.  Once December and January roll around, grab the streamer rods and take a float for some great streamer fishing.

The water visibility is slowly increasing which is a good thing.  However the water temperatures are still a little warmer than I would like, at least up near the dam.  The cold nights are helping the water temperatures down river a lot. 

Here are a couple rainbows and a brown we have taken in the last week or so. 


  1. Beautiful fish, especially that brown. Looks like you're having fun. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Nice color on the Bows. Thinmint's are on the way.


  3. I think the less than amazing fishing is due mostly to irresponsible locals. On any given day you can find illegal harvesting of fish. Its saddening and really annoying that the locals dont see the value of the fish. Its due to either lack of education or intelligence. Im betting both. I say we cut off a finger for each illegal fish... That should help curb the activity.

  4. David, beautiful fish, glad to see you are getting into some good ones! The bows are beauties, but I'm always partial to the browns, good to see that one in the net...

