
Friday, February 24, 2012

Coyotes Taking Over!!!

In this hilarious article, TWRA nemesis Frank Niceley accused TWRA of stocking coyotes to try and control the Tennessee deer herd.  Apparently the TWRA assistant executive director thought it was a joke.  The response was classic:

"Actually, we sent some officers over to Arkansas and gave them swimming lessons," he said. "After we taught them, coyotes could swim over the Mississippi River."

I'm always thoroughly amused at people who want huge populations of game species without any natural predators.  Coyotes don't eat many deer to begin with, focusing mostly on much smaller prey.  The extent some people will go to further their agenda is downright laughable.  I'm just glad that Mr. Niceley was shown to be uninformed. Take a moment to read the article for your morning laugh, especially if you are from Tennessee.


  1. Saw that article yesterday. It is laughable. What is most disturbing is that these same misinformed leaders are the ones making our legislative decisions. What other things are they misinformed or ignorant about?

  2. This guy is such a buffoon. Hope he gets booted before he gains a foothold. I agree with Jay's comment. The people running this country use hearsay as the basis for so many arguments, and no evidence to support it. Not many logical thinkers are running this country anymore. I think it is because they can make so much more money in the private sector, it has allowed these career politicians to overtake our government.
