Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Monday, April 16, 2012

Simms Digs Deeper

For those of you that are big fans of Simms gear and products, you probably appreciate how well their gear normally performs and how well it holds up to use.  I have used the same pair of L2 Waders for 3 years now although it is taking a fair amount of Aquaseal now to keep them dry inside.  However, there is a darker side to Simms which several other bloggers and fly shop owners have been posting about.

Tom Chandler from the Trout Underground has been covering this situation for a while (apparently Simms has not appreciated his journalistic efforts on behalf of the angling public).  His most recent post highlights the continuing problems as well as pointing readers to other great pieces about the problem.  In a time when the local fly shop is largely going the way of the dinosaurs as more big box companies and online shops continue to gain a larger market share, Simms' strategy may be good for their bottom line but definitely won't help local fly shops.  Chi Wulff has added more to the discussion in a couple different posts, the most recent found here as does Jerry Lappier in two separate articles (first and second) from The Trout Shop in Craig, Montana.

When Simms did an abrupt about-face on making felt-soled boots, I applauded them for recognizing a mistake and listening to their customers.  They have always been strong on the customer service side and this was another case of respecting their customers.  Unfortunately, their more recent stumbling will not be felt by most fly fishermen because we can just go online and new gear is just a click away.  It is the small shops that will suffer.  I find it hard to support a company who is willing to throw all the small shops who made them successful under the bus as they seek to continue growing their business.  Please read all of these pieces if you care about the fate of the small shop that have contributed so much to most fishermen's growth in the sport.  Be an informed consumer and support the brands that are worth supporting.

1 comment:

  1. David, Thanks for sharing this. I want to read more, but on the surface I agree that Simms seems to be throwing small fly shops under the bus on this one.
    I have been hearing more and more about Simms becoming more of a "lifestyle" brand like the North Face or even Patagonia.

    For year now, I've bought their products because I feel they are the best in the business. I love my headwater waders and after 3 HARD years, they still do not leak.

    Again, thanks for sharing.

    PS - I read that you were interested in hitting the Clinch soon. Feel free to drop me an email or call. My contact info is on my blog. http://flyfisheasttennessee.blogspot.com/


