
Monday, May 21, 2012

School Is Out

Finally!!!!  School is out, and I want to go fishing.  My time on the water will be somewhat limited, but I'll be out at least a little.  I'm planning on making at least a couple of trips for trout in the Smokies as well as possibly the Caney Fork a time or two.  However, most of my fishing will be done locally for smallmouth and panfish.  Hopefully I'll have a better update soon and possibly a good fishing story.


  1. Try that Thin Mint for Bass & Panfish too. Caught a couple of big Crappie at Amador on it.


  2. David
    I can remember those days when I would always look forward to school being out and had all my fishing trips in line for the next week or two. The summer break is the big plus for teaching school. Being a retired educator affords me the luxury now to live my dream and that is to fish three to four times a week. Enjoy the summer!!
