Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Please vote!!!

If you didn't notice already, there is a new poll up.  I have not had one for a while and this one is exploring how many of my current readers tie their own flies.  Lately I have enjoyed doing more tying again and want to know if my readers share my interest in tying.  Find the poll just above and let me know how much you tie!!!  Personally, I tie probably 99.9% of what I tie but every once in a great while will pick up a few flies somewhere...


  1. I would love to tie everything I use. However, the wife and I have a tying company so at times I buy flies here and there since I rarely tie for myself. If I am buying flies, they are mainly nymphs or dries.

    1. I have thought about tying commercially on a large scale but so far have not developed enough motivation. I like sitting down just to enjoy the process and tie a few for my boxes, but not sure if I would want to tie on the scale required for it to be profitable. What patterns do you specialize in?

    2. David,

      We started our company last year as a result of a demand for our flies. We specialize in warm water flies with particular interest in poppers. We do our poppers in sizes 8 and 10. I am pretty sure we aren't making a whole lot of money on the deal but it is fun and the wife and I do it. The down side is that I don't get to fish that often anymore and I don't tie for myself much if at all. Every once in a while when one doesn't pass quality control, the wife lets me keep it. How gracious of her right? You can see us and our adventures at www.gotflyfishing.blogspot.com
