Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Friday, November 09, 2012

Lots Happening

The fishing trip last Sunday was a success...I just haven't had time to report on it.  Between teaching and a bout with the flu, blogging was unfortunately quite low on the list of priorities this past week.  Hopefully that will all change soon.  One more week and then I'm on Thanksgiving break!

The plan is to head home to spend time with friends and family and probably a side trip to the Smokies will happen as well.  Being away from home for an extended period of time is a good way to remember how amazing Tennessee is, and I can't wait to fish my "home" waters again.

Between now and then, I probably won't be doing any more fishing as I have too much going on, but I will be tying flies for the trip home and hope to share some of those patterns on here.  The browns should be about done with the spawn by then, and with any luck they will be starving for some of my favorite patterns.

I'm also starting to plan some December fishing trips here in Colorado.  Finding accessible tailwaters will become more and more important as the weather turns sharply colder.  This weekend will really start to feel like winter as the temperatures on Sunday struggle to approach freezing with the likelihood of fresh snowfall.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you're looking forward to a trip home and thanksgiving with family. I look forward to a well rested, well fished post.
