
Monday, December 17, 2012

Lost Reindeer?

While driving through Boulder yesterday, I found Santa's lost reindeer...or at least that's the first thing I thought of when a group of deer came tearing down the street just in front of me.  My first thought was that they were running away from Santa, but then I realized they were just regular Mule Deer.

I'm still not sure what frightened the deer so badly, just as I'm also not sure what they were doing out running around only a few blocks away from the Pearl Street Mall in broad daylight.  Still, it provided a great opportunity for me and my camera which is almost always close at hand.  As luck would have it, the settings were already almost right on for the lighting.  They briefly stopped in someone's yard to pose, still obviously disturbed about something.

Next, they attempted to fly which started me wondering again if they were perhaps reindeer in disguise.  However, their brave efforts always brought them back down to earth.

Not long after, they decided to pose one last time before disappearing in the direction of the Mall.  Maybe they were just on a shopping spree looking for red bows and ribbons to wear for the holidays or maybe some red face paint for their noses...


  1. That was cute. The local deer are skittish in general except for the little boy who stands in front of the window and watches us work on my wife's sewing room. I posted a picture a while back and he was watching again Saturday.

  2. Mark, I've been amazed at how many "urban" deer are around this area. Some really big bucks that would get me pretty excited if I was a hunter. Pretty cool getting to see them. That would be awesome to have a deer coming up to the house and watching!

  3. As many years as I've lived in this area, I've never been treated to a show such as you least not of live deer. It must be an omen.

  4. Howard, the question then is what does it mean? Hopefully it signals a good year in 2013!!!
