
Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013 Trips???

Frigid weather has prevented me from wetting a line thus far in 2013.  I know, it's a travesty, but so far I've not been inspired to take up ice fishing and the local creeks are covered with too much its solid state.  This weekend everything may change.  Yes, I might actually get out on the water instead of dreaming about it for a change.  The list of possibilities is ironically strongly correlated with the list of tailwaters within reasonable day trip distance.

Many of you have not been suffering through the same lack of fishing as I have and have already put in some great days on the water.  I'm interested in hearing about your plans for the upcoming year.  Notice our new poll to the right and vote on how many days you are planning to fish per year.  For the sake of this poll, I'll consider any fishing time as a day meaning that those 30 minutes during your lunch break count.

Also, comment on this post to let me know if you have any awesome fishing trips planned for 2013.  I'll probably be jealous when I hear about that incredible New Zealand trip your planning for next month since I'll still be freezing here in Colorado but I would still love to hear your plans.

For me, I'm hoping to head up to Yellowstone in early June.  With any luck, the Firehole will be in the middle of prime time, and perhaps the Gibbon and Madison as well.  With a bit more luck, I can stay around long enough for the Salmonflies on the Madison but that may be a stretch.  Of course, lots of fishing throughout Colorado will help make this an awesome summer.  I'll put in plenty of time over on the West Slope as well as closer to home.  Finally, rounding out my current plans, spring break 2013 is in Tennessee where I'll be fishing the Quill Gordon and Blue Quill hatches as well as some caddis and stonefly hatches.  Best of all, I get to see lots of friends and family that I miss the pleasure of seeing since I now live in Colorado.

And that, my friends, may be the best part of any trip.  Sure the time on the water is always great, but it's the people you run into that often make or break a trip.  Naturally, a giant brown or two never hurt so please don't misunderstand me, but sitting around a campfire with longtime fishing buddies or perhaps someone you fished with for the first time that day is generally where the lasting trip memories are made.  So, here's to trips in 2013! I hope everyone has a banner year!!!


  1. I have no plans. Might try some local flats fishing for Stripers, a somewhat new approach for me. Other than that, sameold shit in SE.CT ... Stripers and local streams.

    1. Stripers are a blast! Wish I had some good striper fishing close by...

  2. Gunnison and Taylor are on the list for 2013. Although I have visited RMNP multiple times, never actually fished it so it's on the list too. Besides that there will be weekend trips to the Smokies, Western NC, and TN tailwaters. Hope you have a great 2013 too!

    1. The Gunnison and Taylor are both amazing rivers. RMNP is great too with lots of options from native cutts to big brookies and browns!!!

  3. David, I plan on meeting up with you somewhere he in Colorado and I suspect that no matter where it is, we'll have a good time. I will make it to the Arkansas for the first time in a while. My wife forces me to take a long weekend on the Blue and a few of the Colorado bloggers will be meeting up on the Pan. Contact River Damsel if you are interested. (I don't recall the date off the top of my head.) Of course I'll be haunted Clear Creek and S. Boulder Creek as well.

    1. The Frying Pan is appealing. I can't wait to get over that and fish...may have to look into that trip!

  4. I'm going Utah this July. I'm hoping to fish the Provo and some of the upper mtn streams for wild trout. Never been there before.

    1. I've always wanted to fish in Utah (other than the Green which I have done already) and hope to accomplish it in a couple of years. Have fun!!!

  5. Great article! Thanks for sharing and more power to you!

  6. Anonymous2:08 PM

    David, don't really have 2013 mapped out yet, but, know I will be on the water more than 2012. Probably spend my time getting to learn more about the waters here in Colorado since this will be my first full season here in many years. Hope to run in to you on the water somewhere.

  7. Nothing too exciting. A trip to Baja and Some San Diego fishing. I have a week or two planned for a solo road trip to Blackfoot for Carp and fish my way back to California. Have a great 2013 man!
