
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fishermen's Excuses Go Big Time

We all know that fishermen are creative story tellers, not to mention that they come up with some of the most creative excuses.  From the classic "It must have been the moon phase" to more unusual excuses such as "there weren't enough cows standing," fishermen have an excuse.  Occasionally we even take responsibility along the lines of, "I just wasn't on top of my game and couldn't figure the fish out."

Now, in a sure sign that our beloved sport is on the verge of going mainstream in pop culture, the Federal Reserve is borrowing from a classic fisherman's excuse.  In a statement released today, the Federal Reserve says that "Growth in economic activity paused in recent months, in large part because of weather-related disruptions..."

My question for you is this:  Is the weather now an acceptable excuse for a poor fishing day since the excuse has gone mainstream or is it okay to call your fishing buddies out when they attempt to claim that a trip was lame due to weather?


  1. David
    When you have been doing the fishing thing as long as I have you think you have it all, but my classic excuse was last year; I was fishing for carppie on Smith and this guy told me that the reason the fish was not biting was there were no birds chirping. ------strange???? Thanks for sharing

  2. Bill,

    That's a good one that I haven't heard. I'll have to add it to my collection of excuses and try it on one of my fishing buddies sometime!
