
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Killer Soft Hackle

Its not often that I feel this generous, so enjoy it while it lasts.  This is a fly that I don't show off a lot and often go out of my way to avoid showing people.  However, it seriously should be in everyone's box if you fish for trout!  I've caught trout on this pattern in freestones and tailwaters.  It works best as a dropper under a dry fly although you can fish it in a single or double nymph rig as well.  The fly is the Ultra Wire Soft Hackle.  Yeah, I haven't come up with a cool name for it and perhaps someone else ties it and already has a name for it.  While it is similar to other patterns (copper and partridge anyone?), I haven't seen too many people tying and fishing this pattern.

I can tell you that under the right circumstances, this is as good a dropper as you will find anywhere.  Naturally it works best only at certain times.  It is not a miracle fly but excels during both caddis hatches and also when mayfly emergers are on the water.

Tie some up and fish them this spring and see what you think.

Hook: TMC 2487 #14
Thread: Tan 8/0
Body: Copper Ultra Wire (or other color to match the prevalent hatch)
Head: SMALL amount of Hare's Mask dubbing or other buggy dubbing
Hackle: 2 turns of partridge or favorite soft hackle feather.

You can tie these things in a HURRY and, did I say, they flat out fish!!!?!!!


  1. I'm gonna try these. The wire will help it stay down too.

    1. Kevin, that's the idea compared to a "normal" soft hackle. These things sink!!!

  2. David
    I haven't seen a pattern with this design, very unique, I am really impressed. thanks for shairng

  3. By the way I forgot to give it the name "Coppergrill"

  4. David
    Could you send me your email, for some reason your email link doesn't work on my browser. Thanks Bill

    1. Bill, email sent. Let me know if it doesn't come through...

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I am busy tying some soft hackles and have tied something similar, but, now have a new pattern to try. Thanks, Dave.

    1. Mel, I love these flies. They were killer on the Big Thompson in the canyon last fall and assume they'll work great during caddis hatches.

  6. What size hook do you normally use? Is that a 14 in the picture?

    1. Kevin, that is a #14 and that's basically all I tie it in. It can work in other sizes but I'm mostly going more for an attractor instead of specific match. That said, I'll bet it would be awesome in the smaller sizes as well...

  7. Hey thank David, I'm anxious to try tying some up this weekend. I'll save a few for when we get out.
