
Friday, February 15, 2013

Scientific Breakthrough for Better Fishing

In an article over at Time online, I discovered the technology of the future for fishermen and a creative outlet for the energies of big pharmaceutical companies who spend too much time finding more ways to drug the general human population of our earth.  In the study reported in the article, researchers from Umea University in Sweden tested perch to see if the anti-anxiety drug oxazepam would affect them at all.

In a stunning turn of events, the perch NOT exposed to the drug behaved just as normal perch should in various controlled survival related activities.  However, the fish who were slightly exposed showed a higher propensity to feed more and faster.  Imagine fishing where the fish are always hungry!!!  Instead of paying thousands of dollars for that trip of a lifetime to untouched waters where the fish jump on your line, just find a way to get some of this drug to your favorite fishing hole and doctor up the fish!

Even more shocking, the fish with a high exposure to the drug were almost totally fearless.  Imagine finding that big brown you've been waiting to catch feeding on a hatch.  Wading carefully into position, you give two perfect false casts and then slam the line into the water over the fish's head.  Instead of bolting, the fish waits patiently for your fly to drift overhead before rising violently to inhale the offering.

The possibilities are endless for fishermen.  Of course, I'm sure this could be used by poachers as well for devious purposes.  Entire rivers devoid of catchable fish are a distinct possibility here people!!!  Will the good guys corner the market first?  Only time will tell.  As always, I'll stay on top of this potential double-edged sword and continue to work diligently to make this a more fishermen-friendly world.


  1. LOL. Potential for catching more and bigger fish? Yes. However, Im sure the amount of drug needed to dose the entire water enough to effect the fish would be VERY pricey!

  2. Ha! David, I think you're on to something. Talk about chumming the waters.

  3. I'm placing an order as soon as I'm done here. I'm sending half to Cofisher.

  4. David
    I wonder what the results would be for non exposed fish spawning with exposed fish. If this could occur the string of exposed fish would continue on, I guess??? Interesting stuff—thanks for sharing
