
Tuesday, August 06, 2013

The Moose Magnet

In many cultures throughout history, names bestowed at birth would eventually give way to a "grown up" name.  The name would usually be based off of a characteristic or perhaps even stem from some great deed done by the individual.  Usually names were earned and were a part of the rite of passage into adulthood.  No, I'm not changing my name.  Now that we cleared that up, I want to introduce you to.......drumroll please........the Moose Magnet.

Initially dubbed the Trout Seeker, my new vehicle has already carried me to some great fishing experiences.  In fact, I probably had one of my best days ever catching brown trout with my buddy Joe McGroom on a piece of water that will not be named.  However, while the car has been great at taking me to those fishing spots, it has excelled in carrying me to moose sightings.  During my first 11.5 months in Colorado, I spotted 12 moose.  In the 3 weeks or so since buying my new car, I have already seen 15 additional moose.  The only changes I have made in my trips is the vehicle that is taking me, so clearly this car will now be the Moose Magnet (much thanks to Joe McGroom for helping me to discover this important name).  Here are a couple of moose spotted on the car's first mountain excursion.  

Then, a couple of days later, a nice bull on another trip. 

Just a couple of days ago, I was finishing a trip with David Perry when we spotted 5 more moose.  Here are two of them, a mother and her young.  

While I haven't decided if fate is obviously insisting that I begin guided moose viewing trips, I do know that anytime I'm in the Moose Seeker, I had best be on the lookout for these large critters.  I'm half expecting some moose to move into my neighborhood just to be near my new car.  You can be sure that you will be the first to hear if there are any developments in that direction.  Until then, I'll be taking fishing and moose (or is it moose and fishing) trips as often as possible.  The high country is beckoning...


  1. I suspect that Moose Magnet is better than bear magnet.

    1. That may be, although I'm starting to wonder where all the bears are here in Colorado. Still have not seen one since moving out here...maybe the moose chased them out of the state.

  2. I would only settle for chick magnet...but of course the fates don't give us such choices. Good luck with the moose.

    1. Howard, I like the way you think. Alas, as you said, if only we could control such destinies...

  3. David
    Congrats on the new car, it looks like a gas saver. Those moose are awesome. thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Bill! I've been pretty happy with the gas mileage I'm getting. It has been much better than the EPA ratings. I agree about the moose! Each one I've seen has been special!

  4. With all the rain we've had I think there are just more big animals out this year. In the mtns and even here locally we've had more bear sightings than ever..

    1. Kevin, funny thing out here in CO but I still haven't seen a bear since moving out here. Everyone keeps telling me how there are a bunch of them around but nothing yet...

    2. You could be like me. I have NEVER seen a bear. I've been in several places where people told me they were everywhere and even saw them the day before or the day after I was there. I must have natural bear repellent.
