Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Monday, September 02, 2013

Fish Tails (and Tales) Coming Soon!


  1. Beautiful images thanks for sharing

  2. There are a few reasons rainbow trout are the best freshwater fish.
    1. One of the easiest to catch, given the right conditions.
    2. Trusted sources confirm as one of the best tasting trout.
    3. They look incredibly beautiful.
    4. In an arbitrarily selected group of individuals, 7/10 answered rainbow trout when asked what fish comes to mind first.

    Side point: I am interested to read your fishing stories, I expect them to be quite entertaining and informative.

    1. James, I trust that you have read enough to discover several reasons why rainbow trout are NOT the best freshwater fish. Let me know when you figure out which one is...
