
Monday, November 11, 2013

Not Much Color

I'm looking out my window and noticing that it looks suspiciously like winter outside.  The leaves are pretty much gone and the grass is dead.  There's just not much color left other than the crisp blue sky.  Yesterday, in an hour or so on Boulder Creek, I noticed that the fish have moved into winter mode for the most part.  That doesn't mean that aren't eating, just that the water is super clear and low and the fish are accordingly spooky.  Oh, and the water is cold...

Looking back over pictures from the last couple of months reminds me of the great fall season I enjoyed.  Perhaps the most epic trip I did this fall was a 2 day grand tour of Colorado with my parents when they visited in early October.  The huge loop took in Independence and Kebbler passes, Aspen, Gunnison, and many other towns in between.  Of course there really wasn't any fishing on a trip like this but the scenery more than made up for the lack of fishing.  Naturally, family time meant a lot also so that in the end I didn't even miss the fishing.

I'll share some more pictures over the next few days but here are a couple to get things started.


  1. Cool photos, the orange looks like fire!

    1. I thought so too and was surprised at how much orange I saw up in the mountains.

  2. Now that's a gorgeous brown! Amazing fish.

  3. David
    Some nice work with the camera---have you thought about a dry mount for that monster brown you landed some weeks ago?

    1. Bill, I'll probably never get a mount of a fish, replica or otherwise, unless I happen into a lot of money. While it would be cool to get a reproduction done, the cost is just not worth it to me.

  4. Those colors are amazing. I haven't seen that much orange before.

    1. Howard, all the orange kept throwing me for a loop. I'm used to the golden colors with aspen but we saw a lot of orange and even some reds up there.

  5. I am really impressed with all the wonderful fall colors this year in Colorado. Where did that second picture come from? I just been setting here fixated on that picture

    1. Mel, that was Tagerts Lake near Aspen shot from highway 82.

    2. Thanks for the feedback, David. It is really a pretty picture.
      BTW, if I promise not to change my blog name for the rest of my life, could I talk you into getting my new blog link put up on your blog roll and deleting the old ones?

    3. Mel, you got it.

  6. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The beautiful pictures reminded me of my favorite time of the year to go into the mountains. When I am in the mountains during the fall I do not just see colorful trees and dead grass. Looking at the different shades of green and yellow, I become lost in my own thoughts. For a split second I find peace and comfort. For a moment all the difficulties I am facing in life disappear. Thank you for sharing these pictures! I was reminded of the peace I rarely am able to find.
