
Friday, November 15, 2013

Not My Plans

We can plan, but the ability to change direction is crucial.  Yesterday, I found out that my school will be downsizing due to budget cuts.  Along with two friends, I was on the list of cuts to be made.  Right now I have no idea where I will end up.  Teaching is a lot of fun and very rewarding, but at this point I may end up heading in a different direction.  I may end up back in Tennessee and if I do I'll probably do some part-time guiding at least to help make ends meet for a while.  So, basically, while this is not my plans, I'm ready for a new adventure and new challenge.  Something in the fly fishing industry would be pretty cool but right now the best I'm hoping for is perhaps that bit of guiding I already mentioned.  However, if anyone has any information on job openings I'm all ears.  As things are now pretty uncertain and hectic, I will not be posting as much.  Please know I'm doing great and once I have a chance to get out on the water I'll still be providing the fishing reports and information that you are used to seeing here.  This too shall pass but in the meantime your thoughts and prayers would be much appreciated.  Thank you!


  1. Well, that just sucks. I'll certainly keep my fingers crossed that all will be well. I'll be here when you get back.

    1. David
      I am sorry to hear about your job lose, but know as far as teaching is concerned, you should be able to find another position soon. Will you lose employment with this school system at the end of this semester? Are you a math teacher, if so it would be easier for you to find another teaching position quicker? I know you could do well guiding either back in Tennessee or out that way. Keep us abreast of how things are going with you. By the way if you come back to Tennessee to guide I will be one of your first customers. Take care

  2. David, I'm really sorry to hear this. I can't imagine what that feels like. I know whatever you do, you'll land on your feet. Please keep us posted as often as you can so we don't worry that you're on the street.

  3. Wow, David, I am disappointed in this turn of events for you. Not the time or the season for that too happen to anyone. When the shock wears off, I am sure that you will make a solid decision based on your needs. Looking forward to hearing about your next life adventure.

  4. Sorry to hear that David. Things happen in life and we have to make adjustments at times. I spent a few years guiding and found it to be some of most rewarding work I've ever done and don't regret a minute of it. I have close friends in education in the East Bay that may know of opportunity in the far west? I can always ask since we are fishing together over the next week. Take care

  5. Sorry to hear that. What kind of teaching do you do? I myself am currently working on my doctorate and hoping to get into teaching at the small liberal arts level. You have my thoughts and prayers as you move forward.

  6. David! Hang in there buddy. I believe things happen for a reason and that fly fishing passion may take you in another direction that allows you to teach, fly fish, and take the amazing photos you take!

  7. Good luck. I was laid off 2 years ago and can relate to what you are going through. It has provided me with lots of fishing time, which has been therapeutic.
