Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Friday, February 21, 2014

Stormy to Sunny

Late night storms that rolled through just twelve hours ago have long since departed, leaving behind a beautiful late winter day.  The temperatures are still not too cold but a touch of chill in the air reminds us that winter has yet to relinquish her grasp.  In fact, later this week we could even see a shot at snow returning to the Cumberland Plateau and east Tennessee.

Lots of rain last night with the storms resulted in some interesting discoveries this morning.  I found a stream flowing through the back yard that really shouldn't be there.  And it won't be, at least not in another few hours.  Wet weather springs have exploded all around our place here at the uppermost reaches of the Caney Fork River headwaters.  That means that you can expect the tailwaters to continue heavy generation for another couple of weeks most likely.  The tiny creek just below the house was running full.  I took a short walk with the camera and came away with some nice shots.  If only there were wild brook trout in the creek...

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