
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Canoeing with Dad

One of my favorite summer time trips is over to a little lake set deep in the woods perhaps 15 minutes from my house.  The lake is deep and unusually cool for this area and contains panfish and bass as well as a few carp.  Occasionally I'll take my float tube over there and just kick around for a few hours, but the best way to really fish this lake is to take a canoe.  Gas powered engines are prohibited so this lake sees very little traffic.

My dad enjoys canoeing so I planned a short excursion to take him over there and paddle.  Naturally, anytime I'm canoeing the fly rod should come along and my dad was gracious enough to let me fish a bit.  We spent the majority of the trip paddling but when good shoreline structure would appear, we would both drop the paddles, and I would give it a few casts.

Normally I can catch a lot of bluegill on this lake if I want to but this trip I was after bass.  I'm not sure why but I've been after the bass more than usual lately.  Anyway, on the return trip, drifting along the north shore, I cast the Clouser right onto the bank and began a slow retrieve that would swim the fly into deeper water.  When the line hesitated, I thought I had snagged the bottom or perhaps a submerged log.  Just in case, though, I set the hook.  Pleasantly surprised when the line started to move, I found myself playing a nice little bass.  One fish is better than no fish and I was pretty happy with this one.

The rest of the trip was mostly uneventful, but I expect this lake to get much better as the weather continues to warm.  The fish will be more aggressive with the increasing water temperatures.  I'll be back soon, probably with my float tube, and will spend a few relaxing hours drifting around and maybe even catching some more bass!


  1. Man oh man David! You're killing me!! That looks like a beautiful place to fish from a canoe. Matter of fact I wouldn't even care if I had fly rod or not.

    1. Thanks Howard. It is a special place with no development at all around the lake. The rhododendron should be blooming soon so I'll be back again to take in the scenery, maybe even without fishing.

  2. I would enjoy some placid time on that lake also. Sitting in a float tube has long been a passion of mine. This is why...........................................................

  3. Pretty nice bass, young man! Have your Mom check out my fb page..Jacob just caught a nice one out of our pond!!!! Surrounded by fisherman!!! Nice story!

    1. Wow, mom showed me the picture of that bass on your page and it was a nice one for sure!
