
Sunday, June 01, 2014

New Fly Fishers

It has been my pleasure to help 5 different people catch their first fish on the fly rod this past week.  Some were friends, some were clients, but all did a great job of learning and applying what I taught them to catch their first fish on the fly rod.

The first were my friends Elizabeth and Antoinette.  I gave about a 30 second lecture on fly casting and they said, "Like this?" and started casting perfectly.  Complete naturals.  The bluegill were biting well that evening which made it even better...

The next was on a Smoky Mountain guide trip last Thursday.  I had the pleasure of taking two young men for their first fly fishing trip in the Smokies and they did great!

Perhaps the best was when I took my buddy Seth to the same spot where we were catching the bluegills shown above.  He also received the 30 second lecture on casting and started throwing right where I told him.  Before long a big bluegill had taken the fly.  We admired it, and then I told him to throw back in again.  Something hit with a huge swirl and started fighting really hard.  When he pulled it up to where we could see it, we realized it wasn't a bluegill.  What a pleasant surprise when you're bluegill fishing!


  1. Definitely the best part of your David. Good going.

  2. David, happy to see that all is well. As you probably have guessed by now, you are a new "hero" to 5 people. They will never forget their first fish on the fly rod. I am wondering what your take is, "Are women better casters than men"?

    1. Well, I have to say that the girls picked it up faster than the guys but the sample size is small on that so I would say the jury is still out. Definitely an interesting question though!

  3. David
    Congrats on getting these young kids involve in fly fishing. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Bill! I enjoy teaching kids this sport a lot.
