
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Native Brook Trout

Several days of adventure are behind me after my cousin came up to visit and do some fishing.  We waded Cumberland Plateau streams for smallmouth (forgot our cameras), floated the Caney (remembered cameras and nailed a nice brown on a hopper), and then camped for a couple of nights in the Smokies.  While in the Park, we caught a ridiculous number of trout but no monsters.  The highlight of the camping trip was fishing a steep stream full of rainbows and brook trout.  Here's a sample...


  1. You're a lucky man David. Great photo! I can't ever get my fish to stop and pose like you do.

    1. Howard, this one amazed even me. As soon as we released it the fish just sat there for a little while.

  2. Replies
    1. Bill, that's a good idea! I might have to get a print made...
