Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Monday, August 18, 2014

Naming Flies

While messing around trying to come up with a brown trout catching machine, it occurred to me that I have quite a few good flies that I've designed including some that are go-to guide flies.  At what point do you start actually thinking up names for these monstrosities?  Take the streamer above, for example.  To begin with, there is nothing even close to a guarantee it will catch fish at this point so we don't have to worry too much yet.  But, for the sake of letting our imaginations run wild, what in the world would you call this thing?  Deer hair head, saddle hackle tail with buck tail and marabou for the wing.  I even snuck in a few rubber legs and some variegated chenille.  Hopefully the trout won't care that it doesn't have a name.

Oh, and if anyone has a foolproof method of naming flies, I'm all ears...


  1. Anonymous11:56 PM

    My mother always told me when you throw a bunch of things together in hopes those who use it would like it, you called "Goolash". If you would like me to sample a "Goolash" out in Colorado, you know where to find me.

    1. Mel, I might have to tie up a few extra so I can send you a couple...

  2. There have many flies surfacing with name shared by different cannabis strains. Perhaps it was the affects of these mild psychedelics that inspired a tyer... I dunno. Maybe name it after the first waters you test it on, or an experience you have fishing that day.

    1. I like how you think! Unfortunately I would have to call it the "Lost Monster." I think I'll keep searching for another name...

  3. David
    The Super Moth could not only be a killer for the browns, but it could also be effective for Smallmouth and Spots. I emailed you a message at this email address drknapp83@gmail.com
