Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Almost There

Are we there yet? If you've road tripped before you have either uttered these words or answered the query. In my case, as I mentioned a few weeks back, I'm getting antsy for autumn. Every time I see leaves with changing colors, I get a familiar surge of excitement.

Today, even with air temps in town pushing 90 degrees (shoot, even here at the house it got up to 84), there was something different. I'm sure the calendar turning the page helped at least on some vague psychological level, but the days are noticeably shorter. The sun is setting around 15 minutes earlier than the latest evenings in mid June but there are other indicators as well.

A dry frontal passage sometime this past Thursday ushered in slightly cooler temperatures, and much more importantly, at least in my book, drier air. In fact, one of the things that excites me about fall is the dry airs, crisp cool evenings, and yes, camping and fishing trips complete with cheerful campfires. And colored up trout.

It would be my favorite season even without the fishing, at least that is the story I'm sticking to. Fired up brookies and browns are hard to beat though. On some of my favorite drainages up in the Smokies, the fish are already starting to get that look and have been for the last 3-4 weeks. The signs will only grow stronger through this month and into September. In the meantime, I'll continue to enjoy sights like this that reminds me we are almost there.


  1. Anticipation.
    Autumn is my favorite season.

    1. Autumn has been my favorite for as long as I can remember although spring is a close second. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. David
    Beautiful subsurface images----yes I can't wait for fall to arrive. I was on Smith at daylight yesterday morning and the cool crisp air made it fell like a early fall morning. Thanks for sharing

    1. Bill, thank you for the kind words. Those early fall mornings will be here before we know it!

  3. Fall would be my favorite time of the year if it didn't come with snow. I love fishing for browns in the fall and enjoy the cool crisp air. I knew you had been waiting for Fall all summer. :)

    1. Howard, the snow you have in CO is something I've been missing. I wish we had more, at least in the mountains.
