Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Black Friday

Caney Fork River Black Friday
Tranquil Black Friday on the Caney Fork River

For as long as I can remember, I have chosen to be outside on Black Friday. Now that the #optoutside campaign from REI has gained momentum, it appears that spending the day outside is now the "cool" thing to do. I truly believe that the best deal you can get is spending extra time outside. For society at large this is probably for the best, but I must say that I hope there aren't too many extra people out on the streams. Yeah, it is selfish I know.

Anyway, my Black Friday will be spent guiding a new angler, hopefully to their first (and second and third...) trout. You never know for sure how a day of fly fishing will turn out, especially this time of year, but the conditions are definitely in our favor. The water temperature has been warming steadily for the past 2-3 days and should be as good as can be expected while we are on the water. I'm quite optimistic about our chances. Once the trip is done, I might even sneak in an hour or two of fishing for myself.

So, what are you doing for Black Friday? Are you chasing after deals or fish or something else entirely?


  1. It's a toss up for me... either I'm chasing spring creek brookies and browns or I'm kayak fishing for pike.

    1. Either of those choices are better than shopping!

  2. They've barely gotten the doors open and the fights have begun. I'm staying home and putting up the outside lights.

    1. Mark, that sounds like a good way to avoid the stores.

  3. Never been a black Friday shopper, I prefer to be outside too where quietness reigns.

    1. Mark, there is something to be said for quietness. I will always choose that alternative given the choice!

  4. David
    I had much rather be outdoors on BF shopping day, my wife is really in this sort of thing, like you I had rather be on a stream. Thanks for sharing

    1. I still haven't met a fisherman who wants to shop on Black Friday. It looks like great minds think alike.

  5. I don't shop any more so why would I start on something called black Friday?

    1. Howard, I like your approach. It has been scientifically proven that you save money by not shopping so clearly you are doing something right.
