
Monday, January 11, 2016

First Tenkara Trout for 2016

As the calendar rolled over from December into January, a host of things prevented me from getting out on the water much other than one guide trip in the Smokies last week. The guide trip went well. Despite cold water, we found a few trout willing to eat our flies. As a guide, I often enjoy putting people on fish nearly as much (maybe more?!?) as catching them for myself, so that trip was great for many reasons. However, it was time to catch some for myself.

My buddy Tyler was free to fish for a short time and the air temperature was low enough that I didn't want to be out long. We met up at Cumberland Mountain State Park for a quick trip to get that first trout for 2016. I had the Tenkara rods along and Tyler was intrigued enough to want to fish with them as well. We strung a couple of them up with the usual offering we give to these stocked trout and it was not too long before Tyler struck first.

Rainbow trout caught with Tenkara

Shortly after, I found some willing fish for myself. This beautiful rainbow gave the Tenkara rod a good workout. The colors were very good for a recently stocked fish. The fins were all in good shape as well. The fish used in the winter stocking program are generally in excellent condition so someone is doing a top notch job at the hatchery.

First rainbow trout of 2016 caught on a Tenkara USA Amago rod

The best part of the trip was when Tyler caught a yellow perch. That was a first for him. I've only caught a handful in my life. His was quite possibly the prettiest I've seen with vibrant colors. Great way to start the new year!

Yellow perch at Cumberland Mountain State Park


  1. Very cool that you caught an unexpected yellow perch! That would have been a nice surprise.

    1. It was definitely a great surprise for both of us!

  2. I'd love to catch some perch. I think we have them here but I've never done research.

    1. Howard, I can't say I ever caught one in Colorado, but then I probably wasn't fishing in the right places. Same as you, I never did any research into the topic...

  3. Didn't know you took the Tenkara plunge. Did I miss something?

    1. Mark, I got a couple of rods late last fall and have been messing around with them a bit. Haven't talked much about it yet though...
