Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder
Showing posts with label Crazy Catches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crazy Catches. Show all posts

Monday, January 26, 2015

Recent Articles

Recently I have been doing some writing for Wide Open Spaces, and I wanted to share a couple of posts that I thought you would enjoy. Also, please help me spread the word around about these articles as it will benefit me and much thanks!

The first article is one that I wrote near the beginning of the month. The article is the "Western US and Canada's 18 Best Trout Streams." Choosing the 18 best was difficult to say the least. Most of all, I was trying to write the article without choosing any secluded or secret water. In other words, I'm not in the business of outing secrets. If you have read this blog any length of time you may notice that I give a lot of generic fishing reports. That is on purpose of course.

Another article just went live. I have been asking around for good fishing stories of people's craziest catches. There were so many great stories that I may have to do one or more follow up stories. The story is the "10 Craziest Things You've Caught While Fishing."

The last one I want to share is especially applicable now as we are all preparing for early spring. I chose a list of the "10 Flies to Use In Early Spring Fly Fishing." This article is not location specific, so the idea is that you should be able to find at least one fly on this list to be successful with in the early spring anywhere in the country. I'm particular interested in hearing your opinion on this article and the 18 best western trout streams article. Let me know below with a comment!

Finally, check these stories out and support me by reading more that I have been working on for Wide Open Spaces.