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Showing posts with label Petition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petition. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Call To Action: Protect Our Waterways

Just a few days ago, I shared Transboundary, a new short film highlighting the concerns with large scale open pit mining in the border region between Alaska and British Columbia. First of all, if you have not watched the film please do so before reading the rest of this by clicking the link above.

Once you have watched it and understand the challenges currently facing the pristine watersheds in southeast Alaska, please consider signing this petition. From mountaintop removal coal mines in the eastern United States to large scale open pit mines for copper, gold, silver, and other metals in the western part of the country, I have seen first hand what happens during the mining process.

The land will not be the same for a long time, much longer than our own lifetimes. Sadly the Canadian government seems comfortable making the decision to allow these mines to go forward, even with clear historical precedents showing the disaster that can occur when the mining process fails. This petition is short and to the point and encourages Secretary of State John Kerry to use all forms of diplomacy available to bring pressure on the Canadian government and companies choosing to go forward with the proposed mines in British Columbia.

At stake is not only pristine wilderness and clean waterways, but huge anadromous runs of fish that provide the basis of the local economy in southeast Alaska. Endanger those fish and the economy they support, and you endanger peoples' livelihoods. Sign the petition today to encourage Secretary Kerry to do all that he can to protect these waterways.